Kohhran Pavalai Pawl

July 06, 2023 | STATIC PAGE

Motto : Living for Christ
Bible verse : Philippi 1:21

Objective :
(1) Leading others to Christ.
(2) Assisting the Church.
(3) Taking action in building a good Christian family.

Approval by Synod : Towards the middle of 2004, Pavalai Pawl had been formed in some of the local churches. After the deliberation of the Synod Inkhawmpui 2010 and after a study taken up by the Synod Executive Committee, Kohhran Pavalai Pawl was formed in 2011. The Synod Inkhawmpui 2020 further replaced December 10, 2011 to July 21, 2004 as its founding day.

Situation and administration : Any male adult belonging to the Presbyterian Church and who are willing to abide by the objectives of Kohhran Pavalai Pawl may become a member. Kohhran Pavalai Pawl may function at two levels: local and pastorate. The formation of Kohhran Pavalai Pawl at the local or pastorate level lies in the authority of the local church or Pastorate Standing Committee respectively. Likewise, if the Kohhran Pavalai Pawl wishes to hold a conference at the Presbytery level, they may turn to the Presbytery Standing Committee, the Committee may then agree for conference every alternate year i.e., years when the statewide conference is not organized. Statewide Kohhran Pavalai Pawl is organized by the Synod Revival Committee every alternate year, compiling all registration, and reports.

(1) Number of Member and family : (January – December 2021 report) : (Reports from 330 Local Kohhran Pavalai Pawl that came)
(a) Members : 29,934
(b) Family : 29,444

(2) No. of KPP formed (Till 20.Sep., 2022) :
(a) Local Kohhran Pavalai Pawl : 598
(b) Bial (Pastorate) Kohhran Pavalai Pawl  :137



Kohhran Pavalai Pawl

July 06, 2023 | STATIC PAGE

Thupui : Krista tana nun
Thupui innghahna : Philippi 1:21

A thil tumte :
(1) Midangte Krista hnena hruai.
(2) Kohhran hmalakna tawiawm.
(3) Kristian chhungkaw tha din tura tan lak.

Synod-in a pawm : Kum 2004 kum laihawl vel atang khan Kohhran hmun thenkhatah Pavalai Pawl dinin bul tan a ni a. Kum 2010 Synod Inkhawmpuiin Pavalai Pawl chungchang ngaihtuahin Synod Executive Commitee-in an zir chian hnuah kum 2011 Synod Inkhawmpuiin Kohhran Pavalai Pawl chu a pawm ta a ni. Tin, Kum 2020 Synod Inkhâwmpui chuan Kohhran Pavalai Pâwl din ni December 10, 2011 tia a lo hman thin chu tidanglamin, July 21, 2004 chu a din ni atân a pawm ta bawk.    

A dinhmun leh inrelbawlna : Kohhran Pavalai Pawla tel turte chu Presbyterian Kohhran mi, mipa puitling pawl thil tumte pawma tel duh apiangte an ni. Kohhran Pavalai Pawl hi chhawng hnih- Tualchhung leh Bial ti-a then a ni a, Tualchhung Kohhran Pavalai Pawl din leh din lohah Tualchhung Kohhran thuneihna a ni a, Bial huapah Bial Standing Committee thuneihna a ni. Presbytery huapa Intawhkhawm an neih duh chuan Presbytery Standing Committee remtihnain kumkhat danah, ram pum huap Intawhkhawm neih loh kumin a buatsaih thei. Synod Revival Committee hian Ram pum huap Kohhran Pavalai Pawl khaikhawm hna thawkin, Registration engkim a vawng a, an  report-te a dawngkhawm a, ram pum huap Kohhran Pavalai Pawl Intawhkhawm pawh kum khat danah a ruahman thin. 

Inchhiarna lam :
(1) Member leh chhungkaw zat : (January – December 2021 report) : (Tualchhung Kohhran Pavalai Pawl 598 din tawha Report lo lut 330 atangin)
(a)  Member zât : 29,934
(b) Chhûngkawzât : 29,444

(2) KPP din tawhna zat (20.Sep., 2022 thleng) :
a) Tualchhung Kohhran Pavalai Pawl din tawh zat    : 598
(b) Bial Kohhran Pavalai Pawl din tawh zat : 137