June 04, 2019 | NEWS

Mizoram Presbyterian Kohhran hnuaia Committee sang ber, Synod Executive Committee Vawi 280-na, ni thum chhung awh tur chu vawiin (June 4, 2019) chawhma dar 10:00 atang khan J.M. Lloyd Hall, Synod Office-ah an thu tan a, khawpui chhung atangin member 45 leh khawpui pawn atangin member 96, an vaiin member 141 an kal thei a ni.

Committee hi Rev. R. Lalhmingthanga, Synod Moderator-in a kaihhruai a, Synod Recretary report leh Finance Officer report ngaihthlak a ni.

Synod Secretary hnen atangin -

February 26 - March 1, 2019 chhungin Pro. Pastor Orientation tluang taka neih a nih thu te,
Synod Service Board-in Synod Office-a Coordinator te hna chanpual a siam rem thu te,
kumin February - May thla chhungin Synod Service Board-in thawktu hrang hrang 11 a lak thu te,
Synod aiawha palai tura ruatten tha taka an hlen theih thu te,
KTP Rorel Inkhawm chu Tuikual Kohhran Biak Inah neih a nih thu te,
Kohhran Hmeichhe Inkhawmpui Lian chu Kolasib Diakkawn Field-ah neih a nih thu te,
Synod Conference Centre-ah Synod Revival Speakers' Retreat neih a nih thu te,
PCI General Assembly 2018-in a remtih angin Tripura Provisional Synod chu March 24, 2019 khan Synod puitlingah hlankai a nih thu te,
Wales leh UK tlawhin Synod Moderator, CKTP hruaitu thenkhat leh Mizoram Synod Choir-te an kal thu leh Mizoram Synod Choir te hi International Choral Festival 2019-ah tel nghal thu te,
Synod 2017-in a rel angin 'India ram Kristiante tihduhdahna hluar zel chungchang' booklet-a siam a nih thu te,
May 12, 2019 khan Pastor zirna sang zawka zir zote Induction neihpui an nih thu te,
ATC-ah Biennial Secretarial Training neih a nih thu te,
Mr. Kenneth Ian Juster, U.S. Ambassador to India, Ms. Patti Hoffman, Consul General to India, Kolkata ten Synod Office an rawn tlawh thu te,
Bethlehem Venglai Biak Inah Home Mission leh Cachar Tlangram Missionary Retreat neih a nih thu te,
Pastors' Retreat 2019 chu ATC Campus-ah neih a nih thu te,
Ram pum huap Kohhran Pavalai Pawl Meet vawi 4-na, Chanmari West Kohhran Biak Inah neih a nih thu te,
Mizoram Sawrkar-in Sikulpui (Sikulsen) chu Mizoram Synod kutah a hlan let thu te,
Synod Bu 2018 chu peih a nih tawh thu leh sem chhuah mek a nih thu te,
SEC 279 leh 280 inkarah Synod Relief fund atangin harsatna tuar mi hrang hrangte hnenah tanpuina Rs. 27,15,800/- pek a nih thu te,
SEC 279 leh 280 inkarah Revocation Certificate (RC) 328 leh Re-marriage License (RL) 353 pek a nih thu te ngaihthlak a ni.  

Tuntum SEC a thurel tur chhawpchhuah langsar deuh te chu – 

Manipur Area Pensioner hlawh chungchang te, Kohhran hlutna leh pawimawhna inzirtir chungchang te,
Ram pum huap Kohhran Pavalai Pawl Meet Pandal-a thlen rawtna te,
Pastor Transfer & Posting leak out lo tura rawtna te,
Salvation Church leh Mizoram Synod inkungkaih dan tur chungchang te,
Motor hlui tihrala a thar lei dilna te, Guwahati-a Vaiphei Kohhrante enkawl zui dan tur te,
Contract leh Daily rate enthat chungchang te,
South East Asia-a Mission kalpui dan tur te, Kolkata-a ram lei rawtna te,
Vaiphei Kristian Hla Bu edit leh enlarge dilna te,
Kaipeng leh Darlong hnam hla bu atan Kristian Hla Bu-a hla awmsa hman dilna leh soft copy dilna te,
Mizoram Presbyterian Kohhran din ni (Jan. 11) urhsun taka hman dan tur rawtna te,
Vellore Mizoram House-a Staff Nurse dah dan tur leh Mizoram House dangte dinhmun tlangpui zirchian te,
BSI-a Minister-te thawh dan tihchian te, Pastor Quarters thuam dan tur chungchang te,
TA/DA enthat rawtna te,
Tunlai thiamna hmanga Naupai leh fa neih chungchang kaihhruaina te,
Synod Partnership Committee dinhmun enthata tihchak rawtna te,
Birth Control avanga Mizo kan tlem zel chungchang hmalak rawtna te,
Synod Encyclopedia chhuah chungchang te,
Nupui Pasal inthen RC & RL la la si lote tana Kohhran lehkha siamsak chungchang te,
Synod Sum vawn dan enthatna te,
Central Service-a Mizote kan tlin tam theih nana hmalak rawtna te,
ATC Faculty te tana Post Doctoral Programme neih chungchang te,
Synod Pay Anomaly Committee Reports te,
Synod Recruitment Schedule enthat chungchang te leh thil pawimawh chi hrang hrang te an ni.




June 04, 2019 | NEWS