Mizo Sunday School Union (MSSU)

July 10, 2023 | STATIC PAGE

The Mizoram Presbyterian Church Sunday School was established by Zosaphluia (D.E. Jones) on 20th February, 1898 at Aizawl. During its initial days, the Sunday school was run in a decrepit house near Mission Bangla, a place that was also used as a church and a school. Zosaphluia would teach from the Khasi Christian Bible in the morning, and teach Mizo Kristiante in the afternoon. The Sunday school itself had a slow but gradual progress, and according to the 1900 year end statistics, it had four teachers and 46 students. As of 2022, there are 4,587 Sunday School leaders, 50,346 teachers and 3,90,350 students.

Objectives of Sunday School:
1) To help the church have a genuine knowledge and faith of God.
2) To teach the word of God (Bible).
3) To teach the doctrines of the church.
4) To teach the ways of worship.
5) To craft important members of the church and the community as a whole.
6) To teach the ways of a Christian and his/her responsibility.

How classes are divided: The Sunday School encompasses all kinds of students, from the youngest child to the eldest grandparent. As such, different types of people have different capabilities. Different ages also entail different mindsets and maturity levels, and in order to create a sense of equal teaching, classes are divided as the following :
(1) Beginner : Ages 4&5
(2) Primary : Ages 6-8
(3) Junior : Ages 9-11
(4) Intermediate : Ages 12&13
(5) Sacrament : Ages 14
(6) Senior : Ages 15-17 
(7) Adult (Puitling) : Ages 18 +

Works done:
1. Making text books: The MSSU creates text books for Beginner – Puitling Sunday School, Masihi Sangati and Home Mission students (Mizo & Hindi script). After selecting the writers for these text books, editing work is done after the text has been completed.

2. Conducting exams: The MSSU Pathian Thu Exam is conducted every year on the third Sunday of December. All the materials required for the exam are prepared by the office, which then gives out the question papers to every church, and then collecting the results once evaluation is done.

3. Events organized: Every year, the following events are organized.
a) Fellowship for kids: A fellowship for kids shall be conducted every Sunday afternoon, where kids from the Beginner Department upto the Junior Department can participate. In the case of Intermediate Department, the local church shall decide where they will be able to participate (SEC 269:59). This fellowship will be organized by the MSSU, and details of the programme are then disseminated to every church.
b) Fellowship for teens (Sacrament – Senior): A separate fellowship for teens is conducted for the Sacrament and Senior Departments. The guidelines for this fellowship is made by the MSSU, which is then disseminated to every church.
c) Vacation Bible School: Every church is required to participate in VBS, where the books required are prepared by the MSSU. These copies can be taken from the office for free

4. Training: Biennial Secretarial Training is conducted for the Bial Sunday School Secretaries, while regular training is also conducted to Sunday School teachers.

5. Achievements: Different awards for achievements are handed out by the MSSU.
(1) Diploma: Given to candidates who have been Sunday School teachers for 25 consecutive years. The award is a Diploma Certificate and a Bible.
(2) Jubilee Award: Given to candidates who have been Sunday School teachers for 50 consecutive years. The award is a framed certificate and a Bible.
(3) Pi Zaii Medal: Given to candidates who have attended Sunday School for 10 consecutive years without a single absence. A trophy and certificate is awarded.
(4) Pi Zaii Medal Special: Given to candidates who have attended Sunday School for 15 consecutive years without a single absence. A trophy and certificate is awarded.
(5) Zalawra Medal: Given to candidates who have received awards at the MSSU Exam for 5 consecutive years. A trophy and certificate is awarded.
(6) Zalawra Medal Special: Given to candidates who have received awards at the MSSU Exam for 10 consecutive years. A trophy and certificate is awarded.

6. Cradle Roll : Certificates are awarded to members of the church if their infant children undergo cradle roll.
7. Christmas Carol Service for Kids : In order for young children to understand the meaning of Christmas and to instill upon them a responsibility, the Carol Service is held every year before Christmas Day.



Mizo Sunday School Union (MSSU)

July 10, 2023 | STATIC PAGE

Mizoram Presbyterian Kohhrana Sunday School dintu chu Zosaphluia (D.E. Jones) a ni. February ni 20, 1898-ah Aizawlah a din a ni. A din tirh chuan Mission Bangla bula in chhe te, Biak in leh sikul atana an hmanah chuan Pathianni apiangin Zosaphluia chuan chawhma lamin Khasi Kristiante Bible thu a zirtir a, chawhnu lamah Mizo Kristiante a zirtir bawk a ni. Sunday School chu zawi te tein a kal bek bek a, a thang ve zel a. 1900 kum tawp statistics-a a lan dan chuan Sunday School zirtirtu pali leh zirlai 46 an awm hman tawh a ni. Tun dinhmun (2022) ah chuan Sunday School Hotute 4,587, Zirtirtu 50,346 leh Zirtu 3,90,350 an awm a ni.

Sunday School thil tumte:
(1) Pathian hriatna leh rinna dik tak nei tûra kaihhruai leh tanpui.
(2) Pathian thu (Bible) zirtîr.
(3) Kristian thurin zirtîr.
(4) Pathian biak zirtîr.
(5) Kohhran mi tha tak leh khua leh tui tha tak ni tûra buatsaih.
(6) Kristian tih tûr leh awm dân tûr zirtîr.

Pâwl then dân: Sunday School hian mi chi hrang hrang, naupang tê atanga pitar putar thlengin a huam a; chuvângin, an rilru put dân pawh a inang lo thluah a ni. An kum a hran ang zêlin an rilru put hmang pawh a hrang a; tichuan, an rilru put hmang mil tûrin pâwl hrang hrangah hetiangin then a ni:
(1) Beginner : Kum 4&5
(2) Primary : Kum 6-8
(3) Junior : Kum 9 -11
(4) Intermediate : Kum 12&13
(5) Sacrament : Kum 14
(6) Senior : Kum 15-17 
(7) Adult (Puitling) : Kum 18 +

A hnathawh tlangpui
1. Zirlaibu buatsaih: MSSU hian Beginner – Puitling Sunday School zirlai bakah, Masihi Sangati leh Home Mission zirlai (Mizo & Hindi script) te a buatsaih a. Zirlai zir tur leh a bu ziaktu turte thlang chhuakin, a ziaktu ten an ziah zawhah endik (editing) hna a thawk leh thin a ni.  

2. Exam buatsaih: Kum tin December Pathianni vawi thumnaah MSSU Pathian Thu Exam a buatsaih thin a, hemi atana thil tul leh pawimawh zawng zawngte chu office lamin an buaipui a. Bial tinah Exam zawhna te thawn chhuakin Result a dawng khawm leh thin a ni.

3. Kaihhruaina buatsaih: Kum tinin heng kaihhruaina te hi buatsaih thin a ni.
a) Naupang Inkhâwm: Pathianni chawhnuah naupang pualin inkhâwmna buatsaih thin a ni ang a, he pâwlah hian Beginner atanga Junior Pâwlte an tel ang. Intermediate Department te hi chu Tualchhûng Sunday School Committee-in an telna zâwk âwm chu a ruat thîn ang (SEC 269:59). Naupang inkhâwm Kaihhruaina chu MSSU-in a buatsaih thîn a, bial tinah Kohhran copy tur thawn chhuah thin a ni.
b) Tleirâwl Inkhâwm (Sacrament-Senior): Naupang Inkhâwm bâkah Sacrament leh Senior Department-te tân a hrangin Tleirâwl Inkhâwm buatsaih a ni a. Tleirâwl Inkhâwm Kaihhruaina chu MSSU-in a buatsaih thîn a ni a, bial tinah Kohhran copy tur thawn chhuah thin a ni.
c) Vacation Bible School: Kohhran tinin VBS hi nei ngei tura beisei kan ni a, zir tûr bu Kaihhruaina buatsaih thin a ni a. Kohhranten MSSU Office atangin a thlâwna lâk tûr a ni.

4. Training: Bial Sunday School Secretary te tan Biennial Secretarial Training a buatsaih thin a. Hei bakah hian Sunday School zirtirtute hnenah Training a pe bawk thin.  

5. Chawimawina: Heng chawimawina hrang hrangte hi a dawng theite hnenah a sem chhuak thin a ni. 
(1) Diploma: Kum 25 chhûng kum hloh lova zirtîrtu tang zâwnte hnênah chawimawina Diploma Certificate leh Bible pêk thin a ni ang.
(2) Jubilee Award: Kum 50 chhûng kum hloh lova zirtîrtu tang zâwnte hnênah Certificate (frame siam sa) leh Bible pêk thin a ni ang.
(3) Pi Zaii Medal: Kum 10 chhûng kai kim zâwnte hnênah chawimawina tangkapui hi Certificate nên pêk a ni ang.
(4) Pi Zaii Medal Special: Kum 15 chhûng kai kim zâwnte hnênah chawimawina tangkapui hi Certificate nên pêk a ni ang.
(5) Zalawra Medal: Kum 5 chhûng MSSU Pathian thu Exam-naa lâwmman la zâwnte hnênah he tangkapui hi Certificate nên pêk thin a ni ang.
(6) Zalawra Medal Special: Kum 10 chhûng MSSU Pathian thu Exam-naa lâwmman la zâwnte hnênah he tangkapui hi Certificate nên pêk a ni ang.

6. Nau hualna: Kohhran ten an mamawh ang zela an lak theih turin Nau Hualna Certificate a buatsaih thin.

7. Naupang pual Krismas Carol Service: Naupangten Krismas awmzia an hriat theih nân leh chanvo an nei ve a ni tih an hriat theih nân Krismas dâwnin naupangte puala inkhâwmna bîk (Carol Service) siam thin a ni.