Masihi Sangati Kendra

July 07, 2023 | STATIC PAGE

It is by the grace of God that the population of non-Mizo Christians in Mizoram have increased over the years. Since our fellow non-Mizo Christians belong to different language group, there arises many challenges in communication, evangelism and the space for church service/fellowship. In order to address these problems, Christian Centre has been constructed at Bawngkawn. 

At first, the construction of the Centre was void of funds, the Synod Gospel Teams used to place donation boxes at their campaigns and camps. However, they could collect only a sum of Rs. 12,000 whereas the sum required to buy the plot was Rs. 60,000. Fortunately, during that set back, the family of Mrs. Parkungi (L) Dawrpui Vengthar donated the whole sum in remembrance of Mrs. Parkungi. On 24th April 1993, the Non-Mizo Christian Centre was inaugurated by the then Synod Moderator, Rev. Thangpuiliana. Since then, non-Mizo Christians from various localities flock together for the Hindi Service.

The construction of the present building was started on 9th March 1988. Many K|P branches within Aizawl lend helping hands by means of labour and finance. Bible training facility soon followed, and in 24th August 1990, Hindi Bible School was officially kicked off by Synod Moderator, Rev. C. Vanlalhruaia. On 15th September 1990, 20 non-Mizo Christians were admitted. Pro Pastor Vanlabela became the Head Instructor along with Upa H. Lalchungnunga as the Instructor. Since its commencement from 1990 to 1997, the school offered a three-month course. The course was expanded to six months since 1998 till date. 

In 2008, the Mizoram Synod decided that the non-Mizo ministry and Hindi Bible School should function separately. Henceforth, the two became separated, however since both the ministry aligns to similar fields, both became close cooperative partners.

In accordance to BEC 486: 21 of 29.5.2008, the formerly known ‘Non-Mizo Christian Fellowship’ was replaced with ‘Masihi Sangati.’ Correspondingly, Non-Mizo Christian Centre was also renamed to ‘Masihi Sangati Kendra.’

Masihi Sangati Kendra then took up the task concerning all non-Mizo Christian ministry within Mizoram. Although all local churches do not have Masihi Sangati, Masihi Sangati Committee is formed in all churches that have Masihi Sangati service. There are also local churches that have the committee but do not have services. The timing of Masihi Sangati services vary form one church to the other, some even have regular Sunday School services where others assign nights when regular Mizo church services are not conducted. There are also places where Masihi Sangati functions like their fellowship counterpart, even to the level of Pastorate. Furthermore, the Synod Mission Board formed Milit Samiti (Joint Committee) in 1992 to further strengthen the ministry of Masihi Sangati. At first, Non-Mizo Evangelist from each fellowship within Aizawl were appointed as members of the committee, but by 1996, Church Elder from each pastorate are now appointed as Committee member for a period of one year.

In accordance to BEC 517, Masihi Sangati Kendra Managing Committee was formed on 18th March, 2011 to guide non-Mizo Pastors and monitor Kendra ministry. The first Masihi Sangati Kendra Managing Committee was held on 28th June, 2011. The name of the committee was also replaced as ‘Masihi Sangati Working Committee.’ Since its formation, the committee holds all responsibility regarding Masihi Sangati ministry, and any ratification or grievances towards the Board passes through the Masihi Sangati Working Committee.

Masihi Sangati Convention is held biennially. Area Meet is also observed twice in every Area, otherwise Area Meet is observed once if it is the year of Convention. There are several Pastorate that observe Pastoral Meet too.

Currently there are several dedicated fellowships in terms of nation/tribe/clan, they are: Meitei Christian Fellowship, Kawl Christian Fellowship, Tripuri Christian Fellowship and Santhal Christian Fellowship. 

Moreover, there are four Gospel Team – Synod Gospel Team, Gorkha Gospel Team, Lunglei Gospel Team and Synod Dialogue Team. These teams set out to different parts of Mizoram.

The following shows the current statistic of Masihi Sangati Kendra workers:
Director - 1
Office Staff - 4
Pastors - 10
Evangelists - 169
Team members - 39
All workers - 223

There are currently 9 Pastorates, with Kawl Pastor in charge of the whole Kawl Mizoram. There are 22 Area in Mizoram, each Area comprises of three to four Pastorate.

There are Evangelists who work at the local and Pastorate level. In some pastorates where non-Mizo Christian population is high, there may be two or three working Evangelists. However, there are also some Pastorates that do not have Evangelist. 



Masihi Sangati Kendra

July 07, 2023 | STATIC PAGE

Mizoram chhungah hnamdang Kristian an pung zel a, tawng hrang hrang hmang an nih avangin anmahni enkawl leh zirtirna kawngah harsatna tam tak a awm a. chuvangin, chung ringtharte lo dawnsawnna hmun siam duhna lian tak a lo awm ta a, chumi rilru atang chuan Christian Centre hi Bawngkawnah din a lo ni ta a. 

Christian Centre leina tur sum awmsa a awm loh avangin Synod Gospel Team-ten inkhawmpui leh campaign-ah te bawm dawhin an tuak a. Ram leina tur hian Rs. 60,000 lai mamawh a ni a, an tuak chhuah erawh chu Rs. 12,000 chauh a ni thung a. Hetih lai hian Pi Parkungi, Dawrpui Vengthar chuan amah hriatreng nan he ram leina tur sum mamawh zat chu a rawn pe a, tichuan ram chu lei fel a ni ta a. Ni 24.4.1993 khan khatih laia Synod Moderator Rev. Thangpuiliana’n Non-Mizo Christian Centre chu a hawng a. Aizawl veng hrang hrang atanga lo kal khawm Non-Mizo Christian te chuan Hindi Service an hmang zui ta nghal a ni.
Tuna building luahlai hi ni 9.3.1988-ah sak tan a ni a. Aizawl khawpui veng hrang hranga KTP-ten hnatlang neiin bul an tan a. Budget hranpa nei chovin tuna a nih ang hian sak puitlin a ni ta a ni. Ringtharte tan Bible training-na pawh hawn ani zui ta zel a. Ni 24.8.1990 chhun dar 12:00 khan khatih laia Synod Moderator, Rev. C. Vanlalhruaia’n Hindi Bible School chu a hawng leh ta a. September ni 15, 1990 khan ringthar 20 admit-a bul tanin, Pro Pastor Vanlabela chu Head Instructor niin, Upa H. Lalchungnunga chu Instructor vuah a ni. Kum 1990 atanga 1997 thleng khan thla thum course kalpui a ni a. 1998 atangin thla ruk course tan a ni a, heihi vawiin thlenga hman zui zel a ni.

Non-Mizo zinga rawngbawlna leh Hindi Bible School a kalkawp mek laiin Kum 2008 Synod Inkhawmpui chuan Hindi Bible School leh Non-Mizo rawngbawlna chu a hranga inrelbawl turin a ti a. Tunah chuan Building khatah Inrelbawlna hrang siin kan awm ta a, rawngbawlna thu ah erawh chuan kan la in hne hnai viau reng mai.

Hun hmasa lama Non-Mizo Christian Fellowship tih hming kan put thin chu BEC 486: 21 of 29.5.2008 chuan Masihi Sangati tiin a hming a thlak a. Chutihrual chuan Non-Mizo Christian Centre tih thin pawh Masihi Sangati Kendra tih hming a lo pu ta bawk a. Heihi vawiin thlengin kan lo pu ta a ni.

Mizoram chhunga hnamdang zinga rawngbawlna hi Masihi Sangati Kendra hian a kengkawh a. Kohhran zawng zawng hian Masihi Sangati kan nei vek lemlo a. Masihi Sangati dinna Kohhranah chuan Masihi Sangati Committee neih a ni hlawm.  Hmun thenkhatah chuan Committee chauh awm a, inkhawm hrang lemlo an awm nual bawk. A tlangpui erawh chuan Masihi Sangati puala inkhawm neih a ni hlawm a. Inkhawm hun erawh chu a inanglo thluah thung. Hmun thenkhatah Sunday School pawh mumal taka kalpui thei an awm laiin hmun thenkhatah chuan Kohhran inkhawm loh zanah kar khata vawi khat inkhawm te pawh an awm bawk. Pastor Bial ang zela Bial Committee leh Bial Fellowship nei thei pawh an awm nual mai.Tin, Synod Mission Board hnuaiah, Mizoram chhung Hnamdang zinga rawngbawlna lam bik ngaihtuah turin 1992 khan Milit Samiti (Joint Committee) din a ni a. A tir lamah chuan Aizawl khawpui chhunga Non-Mizo Evangelist te leh Fellowship tin aiawh pakhat theuh te chu Committee member an ni a. Kum 1996 atang khan khawpui chhung Pastor Bial aiawh Kohhran Upa pakhat theuh te chu kum khat atan Committee member an lo ni ta a.

Ni 18 March, 2011 a BEC 517-na chuan Hnamdang Pastor te enkawlna leh Kendra lama rawngbawlna enkawl hna thawk turin Masihi Sangati Kendra Managing Committee siam tha tia rawtna a siam chu tha tiin Committee hmasa ber chu June 28, 2011 ah an lo thu thei ta a. A hming pawh Masihi Sangati Working Committee tih a thlak a ni leh ta a ni. Din anih angin Masihi Sangati rawngbawlna chungchanga ngaihtuah tur awm apiang ngaihtuah thin a nia, Board lama thlen ngai thu a awm anih pawhin Masihi Sangati Working Committee kaltlanga thlen thin a ni.

Kum khat danah Convention neih thin a ni a, Area hrang hrangin kum khatah Area Meet vawi hnih an nei thin bawk. Convention neih kumah erawh chuan Area Meet vawi khat neih a ni tlangpui. Pastor Bial thenkhat, Bial Meet hmang thin an awm bawk. 

Tunah hian hnambik Fellowship kan nei nual a, chungte chu : Meitei Christian Fellowship, Kawl Christian Fellowship, Tripuri Christian Fellowship leh Santhal Christian Fellowship-te an ni. 

Tin, Gospel Team hi pali kan nei mek bawk a, heng – Synod Gospel Team, Gorkha Gospel Team, Lunglei Gospel Team leh Synod Dialogue Team-te hi anni. Anni hi Mizoram chhung hmun hrang hrangah rawngbawlin an tul thei hle.

Tun dinhmuna Masihi Sangati Kendra hnuaia thawktu awmdan chu hetiang hi a ni:
Director – 1
Office Staff – 4
Pastors – 10
Evangelists – 169
Team members – 39
Thawktu zawng zawng - 223

Pastor Bial 9 nei mekin, Kawl pastor hian Mizoram chhung a bial thung a. Area 22 a then niin Pastor pakhat hian Area pathum te pali te an bial a, an bial hi a zau hle ani.

Evangelist-te hi Kohhran huam chhung leh Pastor Bial huamchhunga thawk an awm a. Hmun thenkhat, hnamdang tamna hmunah chuan Pastor Bial khata Evangelist 2 emaw 3 emaw awmna a awm bawk. Chutihrualin, Evangelist nei miah lo Pastor Bial pawh a la awm nual mai.