Synod Mission Board (SMB)

July 11, 2023 | STATIC PAGE

Ever since the formation of the church in Mizoram, the mission of the Gospel has always been top priority amongst church members. Individual and community efforts have been fruitful in preaching the Gospel to other parts of the world, and this Mission was under the supervision of the Standing Committee for Mizoram Synod. In 1953, the Synod Mission Committee was newly formed, which then became a full fledged Board in 1961, which is considered as the birth of the Synod Mission Board. As such, the SMB can be considered a representative of the Synod in Mission related matters.
INSTITUTIONS: Aside from Field work, there are institutions for training workers as well, which are:
1. Missionary Training College (MTC), Mission Vengthlang
2. Mission Development Training Centre (MDTC), Bualpui 
3. Presbyterian Hindi Bible School (PHBS), Bawngkawn
SHORT TERM MISSIONARY: On some occasions, pensioners, government workers and people with special skills are employed as missionaries for a certain period of time. The amount of pay and the duration of the work are decided by the SMB. If anyone wishes to volunteer as a short term missionary, they must submit an application letter to the SMB, along with an approval letter from their local church.
TENT MAKING MISSIONARY: There are evangelists from within and outside Mizoram who wish to continue working while being missionaries at the same time. For these people, Tent Making Missionary is an option, which has a term of three years.
Interested persons can apply to the SMB for Tent Making Missionary, on the criteria that the applicant must be responsible church members, bound under its rules, and must not have additional Mission employment from other groups.
RAMTHAR NEWSPAPER: The Ramthar Newspaper was published from 1984. The newspaper serves as an important source of information for the church with regards to Field work and Evangelistic progress outside the state. Reading the newspaper and becoming well informed is also an important responsibility for church members.
COLLABORATIONS WITH OTHER MISSIONS/GROUPS/CHURCHES: Currently, there are several collaborations with other Missions and groups, which are listed as follows:
1) Council for World Mission (CWM) (1986) -2
2) Emanuel Hospital Association (EHA), Delhi (1980)* -1
3) Serving In Mission North East India (SIMNEI) (2008) -2
4) Seva Bharat (2008) -5
5) Shanti Niketan Subathu, Himachal Pradesh (2011) -3
6) Dar-Ul-Fazal, Manali, Himachal Pradesh (2011) -2
  Total  -15
  [*Additional funding is also provided to the EHA.]  
Partnership Agreements for financial aid:
1) Darjeeling Hills Bible School, Mirik (2008)
2) Union Biblical Seminary (UBS)
3) Evangelical Fellowship of India
4) Interserve (India) (1985)
5) Evangelical Presbyterian Church, Sikkim (1988)
1) Cambodia (1 Pastor and 2 Evangelists)
2) Bolivia (1 Doctor and 1 Evangelist)
3) Wales (1 Social Worker)
Currently, the SMB supervises 17 full fledged Mission Fields and 2 minor Mission Fields (Masihi Sangati and Cambodia).

Synod Mission Board (SMB)

July 11, 2023 | STATIC PAGE

Kan ramah Kohhran a lo din tirh atangin kohhran hoten Chanchin Tha hril an ngai  pawimawh hle a. Mi mal leh tualchhung Kohhran thahnemngaihna avangin Chanchin  Tha hrilin mi eng emaw zat an pen chhuak a. Assembly (tuna Synod)-in Standing Committee hmangin Mission hna a enkawl thin. Kum 1953-ah khan Mission luhchilh bing turin Synod Mission Committee a din ta hial a. He Committee hi kum 1961 khan Board puitlingah siam niin, Synod Mission Board hi a lo piang ta a ni. Tichuan, SMB chu Synod aiawha Ramthar  (Mission) rawngbawl hna enkawltu tiin kan sawi thei ang.
INSTITUTIONS : Field lama rawngbawlna bakah thawktute training-na hmun hengah te hian a awm:
1. Missionary Training College (MTC), Mission Vengthlang
2. Mission Development Training Centre (MDTC), Bualpui 
3. Presbyterian Hindi Bible School (PHBS), Bawngkawn
SHORT TERM MISSIONARY RAWNGBAWLNA : Hun eng emaw chhung atan mi thiam bik te, Pensioner te, sawrkar hna thawk lai te emaw a ruai thin. An lawmman leh an thawh hun chhung tur hi SMB-in a rel thin. Mi mal, short term missionary-a kal duh chuan ama lawina Kohhran hriatpuina lehkha thil telin SMB-ah Short Term Missionary hna a dil theih a ni. 
TENT MAKING MISSIONARY : Mizoram chhung leh pawn hmun hrang hranga ringlo zinga hna thawkten mahni eizawnna hna thawk chunga missionary nih duhte tan missionary nih theih dan ruahman a ni a. Chutiang mi chu Tent Making Missionary tih an ni a, an term hi kum thum a ni.
Kan Kohhran mi ziktluak, Kohhran Dan chhunga awm, Mission pawl dangin hlawh neia
an  chhawr  lai ni lo ten SMB-ah dilna theh luh theih a ni. 
RAMTHAR CHANCHINBU : Ramthar Chanchinbu hi kum 1984 atanga tihchhuah tan a
ni. Ramthar Chanchinbu hi Kohhran mipuiin Ramthar rawngbawlnaa kan Kohhran chet dan kan hriatna pawimawh tak a ni a, rawngbawlnaa hma kan sawn zel theih nan a chhiar kawngah tan kan lak a pawimawh hle a ni.
MISSION/PAWL/KOHHRAN DANG NEN THAWHHONA : Tunah hian Mission/pawl  hrang hrang nen thawk hovin, thawktu hetiang hian tirh mek an ni:
1) Council for World Mission (CWM) (1986) -2
2) Emanuel Hospital Association (EHA), Delhi (1980)* -1
3) Serving In Mission North East India (SIMNEI) (2008) -2
4) Seva Bharat (2008) -5
5) Shanti Niketan Subathu, Himachal Pradesh (2011) -3
6) Dar-Ul-Fazal, Manali, Himachal Pradesh (2011) -2
  Total  -15
  [*Additional funding is also provided to the EHA.]  
Partnership Agreement neia suma a tanpuite:
1) Darjeeling Hills Bible School, Mirik (2008)
2) Union Biblical Seminary (UBS)
3) Evangelical Fellowship of India
4) Interserve (India) (1985)
5) Evangelical Presbyterian Church, Sikkim (1988)
1) Cambodia (Pastor 1 leh Evangelist 2)
2) Bolivia (Doctor 1 leh Evangelist 1)
3) Wales (Social Worker 1)
SMB hian Mission Field Puitling 17 leh Field puitling ni chiah lo pahnih (Masihi Sangati leh Cambodia) a enkawl mek a ni.