For example, Fox News Channel’s Bill O’Reilly thinks the movie is no longer a big threat to the Christian faith because, according to him, the movie treats Jesus Christ more “respectfully” than the book.
Oh really?
Well, let’s examine this thesis.
First, it is true that the DA VINCI CODE movie significantly waters down the unrelenting, anti-Christian attacks and virulent paganism and goddess worship of Dan Brown’s original novel. Despite this, however, it still promotes the book and contains enough falsehoods and scurrilous conjecture to distort the truth about Jesus Christ, the Bible, Christianity, and God. For example, in the last scene, the movie validates the book’s theory that Jesus Christ married Mary Magdalene and has a royal bloodline of descendents in Europe.
This phony theory, which has been discredited by all reliable scholars and intelligent Christian theologians, preaches another gospel. It preaches an elitist gospel whereby people are saved by a royal family who become like a group of powerful demigods. Such a gospel has nothing to do with the true Gospel of Jesus Christ, which frees people from their sinful, nature and woeful condition by the power of the Grace of God. In this Gospel, Jesus Christ, both fully divine and fully human, dies for our sins in order to redeem both our physical bodies and our spiritual communion with God.
Secondly, though the hero in the movie is more respectful of Jesus Christ than in the book, the hero also asserts that it doesn’t matter what the truth about Jesus Christ and/or Mary Magdalene is, it only matters what individual people believe.
This also preaches another false gospel different from the true Gospel preached in the New Testament and preached by Christians for 2000 years. Such a false, anti-historical gospel subtly but powerfully attacks and undermines the historical, moral and theological teachings of Jesus Christ and His apostles in the New Testament. By doing so, it also attacks and undermines the reliability of the New Testament and the Christian beliefs and traditions developed from the New Testament.
Both of these fatal flaws in the movie add to the scorn that atheists and other Non-Christians have toward the Bible and toward devoted followers of Jesus Christ who preach the Bible’s version of the Gospel. Surely, it will increase people’s antagonism, prejudice and even hatred against Christians and Christianity.
These flaws, coupled with the book’s popularity and some Christians’ ignorance about their faith, leads us to believe that the movie, and the attention it draws, is extremely dangerous and potentially harmful.
In fact, a recent poll by the Barna Research Group proves that the DA VINCI CODE movie may have a negative effect on the religious and moral beliefs of millions of the people who see it.
Thus, any Christian, or Non-Christian for that matter, who goes to see the DA VINCI CODE movie is contributing to the moral and spiritual decline we see around us every day. Also, any Christian or Non-Christian who goes to see the DA VINCI CODE movie is encouraging Hollywood and the rest of the entertainment industry to create more movies that attack Jesus Christ, that attack the Bible and that attack Christians.
Hollywood and the entertainment industry depend on how much money they make. If they see that they can make lots of money by attacking or undermining Jesus Christ, and his moral, religious and historical teachings, they will!
After seeing the DA VINCI CODE movie, Bill O’Reilly and other pundits opined that this movie shouldn’t have much effect on the beliefs of people, much less the beliefs of committed Christians.
Such misguided, ill-informed and ridiculous comments show a complete lack of understanding of all the factual and scientific evidence, including the Barna poll cited above, which shows that even weak movies like THE DA VINCI CODE can indeed have a tremendous effect on people’s beliefs and behavior. The media controls the culture in which we live, and the culture often elects the politicians who appoint the judges in our higher courts and appoint the teachers who instruct our children and grandchildren.
So, what should Christians do about THE DA VINCI CODE? Especially since the book and the movie are being so heavily promoted by so many people, not just those in the news and entertainment media?
First, direct churches and individuals to sound books, websites like MOVIEGUIDE®’s and other resources to help them understand the issues. Sign the petition on expressing concern over the movie.
Most of all, skip going to the movies this weekend and next weekend.
If you must go to a movie, however, go see another movie, such as OVER THE HEDGE, AKEELAH AND THE BEE, THE LOST CITY, SAVING SHILOH, MISSION: IMPOSSIBLE III, or even POSEIDON.
The Christian boycott of THE LAST TEMPTATION OF CHRIST was very effective, and the movie made very little money. Our solution of going to see another movie also can be effective, even if the DA VINCI CODE movie has a much bigger budget than THE LAST TEMPTATION. Also, by seeing another, better movie, you have the added benefit of promoting the Good, the True and the Beautiful rather than promoting evil, ugly lies about Jesus Christ and His Gospel.
In the meantime, please consult our Da Vinci Code White Paper on our website ( and our other articles and news items regarding this phenomenon. These items can also be obtained by calling 1-800-577-6684 or writing us at 1151 Avenida Acaso, Camarillo, CA 93012.
Stand up for God and your savior Jesus Christ. Don't read or see THE DA VINCI CODE.
(c) baehr, 2006
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This story is the personal opinion of the writer and does not necessarily reflect the views of the ASSIST News Service or ASSIST Ministries.
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